The Herrara Family settled Mayto over 40 years ago. They traveled here before there was a proper road to follow and they found a place to settle. Near the ocean the village sits, and the family has created farming and store keeping with a tienda in the village and a guest house and restaurant by the ocean. Many generations of this family continue to work, live and go to school here. It is this family that makes Mayto special for us. And if you want to visit, El Rinconcito is the place. Marasela makes the best food, one of my favorite meals, chicken enchiladas and her home made flan for dessert. She and her husband Fernando are the best hosts ever!
There are many stories to tell here. I have worked with the children, having them make images of the village and I have photographed and interviewed the teenagers. This year I continued with architectural documentation and explored a place I have not spent a lot of time visiting, “The Turtle Camp”. Joe, as he is called in English, has always been a friendly face in Mayto, and his English is improving much faster than my Spanish. He lives and watches over the camp where they are growing fruit trees and raising other animals in addition the focus of rescuing turtles eggs. They have started a recycling effort in the village of Mayto to keep all the plastic waste off the streets.
I am a still photographer, so pardon my flaws in my first attempt to make a video. I have found a great interest in the added sound to a visual and look forward to playing with the medium in the future.
I have made this video to share with students learning the language of Spanish and with an interest in culture and geography. Is is part of my ongoing exploration and sharing of the area. This is a video journey to the camp, on a bus, down a road and out to the wide open Pacific Ocean where a small group a people make a difference in nature. Where all are welcomed.
Now, Joe talks fast. I prompted him with my translated questions, (thank you Marasela!), and wow, he did a great job to help you understand what goes on here. This time of year is not the busy time of year with turtles, but I hope you find the place interesting!
Please post your questions and anything you want to share! Hasta Luego!
And another video of a women who lives up on the hill, overlooking
the village.
Stories of Animals
There are many stories and adventures when traveling. That brings me to stories of animals. Two in particular. First I will show you a picture of Joe with his pet and the tracks this animal makes on the beach. Do you know what kind of animal this is? or anything about it?
The Story of the saved Gato! by Zoe Paarlberg
me encanta el video sobre las tortugas. Quiero viajar al campamiento para ayudar con las tortugas por un ano.
Yo quiero viajar para Mexico con mis amigas Ali y Kim. Nosotros visitaremos por dos semanas en el campo de las tortugas.
Me encanta el video sobre la viejita. Quiero ir al pueblo para escuchar u historia.
- Susie
El chico que ayuda las tortugas y sus bebes tiene un gran corazon por un chico de su edad. La cuenta de la viejita es tan triste que todos. Quiero ir a Mayto para hablar con los dos.
Rebecca y yo queremos ir al campamiento de las tortugas para una vacacion. Y nosotros queremos caminar por la playa y ayudar las tortugas. Tambien nos gusta el video de la viejita porque ella es muy adorable.
-Morgen and Rebecca
Me encantan las tortugas. Quiero viajar a Mexico por muchas semanas y visitare al campamiento. -Kim
La vieja en el video se parece contenta en general, pero cuando habla de sus hijos quien no la visitaron ella se parece una persona bastante diferente. Su primer hijo vive en la casa al lado de la suya, y a veces si la quiere solo excribe. Ella es bastante animada para una vieja solita.
Hola clase!
Me gusto este sitio mucho, especialmente la parte sobre las tortugas. Para preservar la region de mexico y todo el mundo en general, es muy importante para aprovechar de la sostenibilidad en todo el mundo. Me gusto el cuento sobre lupita, la anciana muy adorable. Espero que su hijo vaya a visitarla mas porque todas personas necesitan amor.
Me gusta las tortugas en el campo y yo quiero visitar por Mexico. La playa es muy bonita.
-Ali Beauregard
Morgen y yo pensamos que el chico que ayuda las tortugas es un hombre muy amable y el tiene mucho carino para las tortugitas. El tiene mucho responsibilidad por su edad. Este campamiento es un buen idea y esta en un buen lugar.
-Rebecca and Morgen
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